Can love happen twice is the second part of the bestselling novel' I Too Had A Love Story'.The first book narrates the heart touching love story of Ravin and Kushi.
The story begins where we see that Ravin and friend are invited to a radio station in Chandigarh to talk in a radio show about the best selling novel' I Too Had A Love Story'.But interestingly Ravin who is the author of the book doesn't turn up for the show. People gets curious to know about Ravin's life after Kushi's death. So the three friends began to read an unpublished book of Ravin. It tells about how Ravin shifted to Belgium and how he meets Simar who is an MBA student in Belgium university. They got aquainted in a burger shop and finally falls in love with each other.
At the pinnacle of their relationship, he proposes for marriage but Simar says that she wants to study more and explore more. She also wanted to marry him and settle in Belgium to which he disagreed. Their try for reconciliations failed and finally breaks up due to the 'rushing of things'.He goes into depression after their break up and gets admitted in the rehab and couldn't finish his book.
In the end, simar who hears Ravin's story from his shoes understands his feelings and realises her mistakes and she goes back to Ravin to win her love back. The story deals with love breakup, depression and I'm sure some of the readers can relate themselves to this story.
The story has a cliche storyline that deals with love, breakups, depression. There is not much twist and turns in this book..It is a simple love story written in a simple lanuage.This book is a disappointment after the best seller'I Too Had A Love Story'.The fails to create a curiosity in the readers mindd and doesnt keep one hooked to keep turning the pages further.
I love this novel very much....