Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tell me your dreams- Sidney Sheldon (By Ann Lopez)



         Tell me your dreams is a novel written by American writer Sidney Sheldon, and was published in 1998.

      The first part of the book tells about 3 women, Ashley Patterson, Antonette (Toni) Prescott and Alette Peters. Toni and Alex seems to know each other and Toni has a dislike for Ashley because of her shy and introverted nature. Towards the end of the first part it is revealed that Alette and Tony are alters of Ashley who suffers from multiple personality disorder or M.P.D.
who arose as a result of the experiences Ashley had to face from her father, Dr. Steven Patterson. Ashley is convicted for the murder of the Deputy who was at her house for investigation. The second half deals with Ashley's trial and how her lawyer convinces the Attorney of her condition and how her doctor helps her overcome her condition and the hatred for her father.

           This is a very interesting book Sheldon is successful in taking us on a tour through the mind of a person suffering from MPD, the challenges she has to face and how she overcomes it.

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