THE BOOK "WISE AND OTHERWISE;A SALUTE TO LIFE" was written by SUDHA MURTY. She is a prolific writer in ENGLISH and KANNADA.She has published several other books and her books have been transalated into all the major indian languages.
I found this book to be very well thought out and well written , in the first page itself there's an eye catching line "FOR THE 'SHIRTLESS PEOPLE OF INDIA'WHO HAVE THOUGHT ME SO MUCH ABOUT MY COUNTRY".
This book is a collection of 51 stories , which is based on the real life experiences of Mrs Sudha Murty. She used such a simple narrative method so that everyone can easily understand.
Most I liked about this book is it's elegance and simpleness in writing.
Some people who hustles hard to live a living had taught her to see the positive side of every difficulty and to enjoy life, whereas she also goes through people who made their life
miserable by thinking about what they did not have .This contains experience of her about life and experiences about ordinary people and extraordinary minds.
This book is actually a sum-up of what kinds of people are in this WORLD.
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