Saturday, December 14, 2019

ASPIRE TO INSPIRE (Sanjay Krishna)

Teachers are showers that help awake the inborn talents in each and every student. You're one of a kind Sabu Achaa.. 
I was one of the last buds flowered in this tree. Even then a chance was waiting for me to experience what Sabu Achan was. 

Knowing to live a beautiful life is very much important than earning money in life. That's what makes life skills stand above all. Life starts from a race. And you're a winner from the beginning itself. So never back down. Cause you're not designed to loose but programmed to win. 

We're literally Gems now guys.. And you all know who is the strength and the secret behind our success. Yasss.. Powerful people come from powerful places. 

Felix Natalis to the person who taught me the real meaning of life. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus shower 100 years as blessings.  


  1. Thank you Sanjay .. these words were like boost reading which in the morning is going to be the secret of my energy today as I am going to do a program for youth in Goa
