Monday, December 2, 2019

Heartian Panda! - Anna Eldho(group 3)

                                       Will You Be My Panda? 

"Trust in the magic of new beginnings" she said by holding my hand. Go and Apply. I walked into the cafe, logged on to the site and applied. That was few days ago. The heroic day was when Sl. No 34 on waiting  list was called as a student for BA Economics at SH college Thevara. As my name was called I jumped up from the seat and rush to the queue beside the bench. I   saw many glittering eyes there holding white papers. I too like them holding my certificates and looking around that huge auditorium. Whenever I looked my father, he was counting the money(whether its inadequate or not,and yes money does matter).  The queue moved on and the last paper too got signed and yes Anna Eldho became a heartian.(It sounded too nice that time). My father suddenly called my mother and informed that I got selected. Me walking out from college was like Mark Antony's return walk after the victorious speech against Brutus. And that was June 6 2019.
                                               My routine life got changed utterly.  Me who used to wakeup at 7 before,  started arguing for CT in bus hanging like tarzan after that.  Me who was not very studious, started preparing notes each day.  Exactly changing for changing sake!It is said that somewhere someone is searching for you in everyperson they meet. At last I met my panda there.  how can I forget you June 6?  As my pooh said,  "Sometimes smallest things takes much room in your heart. "

                                                                     :Anna Eldho (8227)


  1. The tarzan effect...that was my favorite one👌

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Definitely this piece of work too gonna be a new beginning in your life..Let its magic bring the best in your artistic styles Annakutty😘


  4. The one glittering eyes you have noticed is mine 😂😂wish you all the best my friend

  5. You have written one of the most relatable experiences for most of us. But you made it sound all the more special and beautiful. And by the way, we are all Tarzans and we are all wild in the best possible way.
